Monday, January 31, 2011

New necklace

Cum duminica e zi de leneveala, din respect pentru traditie, am facut intocmai . Ora de trezire 10, vorbit la telefon pana pe la 11, cafeaua bineinteles langa pat ajunge 12. La 1 sar repede din pat, speriata ca a trecut ziua si n-am facut nimic. Dar nu am de ce sa imi fac reprosuri, pentru ca seara am respirat usurata : pe masuta de lucru rasare un colier. Am adunat bilute, nasturi din polimer, un amestec fructat si inflorat si am tot lucrat. ( asta nu stiu cum o voi traduce in engleza).
Saturday is the day to lay in bed and of course , I respect that. I woke up at 10 am., drinking my coffee and spend the time in bed untill 12. At 1 o'clock I jump out of bed because I don't want the day pass and just waist it. But, in the evening I have not to  worry about it : on my desk is  I have this necklace . It's made by poly mer clay, and other beads that looks life fruits and flowers. I hope you'll enjoy it.

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